once upon a well banner image-full version


I’m Leopold, but you know me as Leo or Diddy. I spent my formative years in Cameroon until the age of 18 before the opportunity brought me to Germany. Growing up, my mother and I faced constant water challenges. We relied on neighbors or the church for our water supply, a struggle that I understand all too well. Fetching water for an entire household at a young age is a strenuous and demanding task. I vividly remember the stress and difficulty of arriving early at the church to secure our water supply, sometimes carrying gallons that exceeded my own weight.

Leopold Kenfack-once upon a well
Leopold Kenfack mum-once upon a well

This project is a tribute to my late mother’s teachings – kindness, respect, and giving back. Your contribution helps carry forward her legacy. Choosing Dschang for this initiative is symbolic, as it honors her roots and the place she cherished.

“Always be humble and respectful and give back because either you or your next generation will harvest blessings from what you plant.”

-Josephine(My Mum)

In villages kilometers away, men, women, and children embark on lengthy journeys just to fetch water. Rainfall is eagerly awaited not just for its agricultural benefits but as a source of clean water for households. The reality is that without proper access to clean water, communities are vulnerable to waterborne diseases. According to ACAPS between 13 June 2022 and 12 June 2023, 19,087 cholera cases were reported across the country of Cameroon, with 1,880 confirmed cases and 450 recorded deaths (meaning a 2.4% fatality rate) (CCOUSP 19/06/2023).

once upon a well urgency in Cameroon

Visiting my village earlier this year reminded me of how dire the situation is. I walked the distance myself in the heart of darkness to the only nearby stream to fetch water. That is the best option these people had for cooking and every other need. And despite that, they had so much joy in their hearts and songs.

Clean water isn’t just a convenience; it’s a life-changing necessity. For some, having a nearby source of clean water is a luxury. The reality is that clean water brings smiles, better health, and a renewed sense of hope to communities. It’s more than a resource; it’s a catalyst for positive change.

once upon a well-impact of clean water
once upon a well-your chance to make a difference

Experience the profound joy of giving back. In my world, contributing to the well-being of others is a form of blessing. Every great person is remembered for the positive impact they’ve had on others, not just their possessions. Join us in creating a legacy of compassion and positive change.

Your contribution is more than a donation; it’s a lifeline. By supporting this project, you’re providing access to clean water, a fundamental resource that goes beyond quenching thirst. Your generosity will enhance education, improve health, and elevate the overall well-being of the community.

once upon a well-what your contribution will achieve
once upon a well-the map of Dschang

Bringing clean water to Baleveng, Dschang!

With the help of donations from close friends, we started off by taking the first step this year and building the first of many wells in Baleveng, a village in Dschang, Caneroon.

(Landscape & impressions)

once upon a well-Baleveng 1
once upon a well-Baleveng 2

We took the first step and brought clean water to this community and school. These school kids and families won’t go thirsty the whole day again.

We have taken the first step of this journey of a thousand miles. We know it is possible, but not without YOU! Join us, let’s make a difference by taking this journey of a thousand miles, one well at a time!

For inquiries or more information, feel free to contact us at

Email: connect@onceuponawell.com

Tel: +49 15906394310

Let’s make a difference together!